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East St. Paul’s Anja Krueger (45) emerges from the Welland International Flatwater Centre during the women’s triathlon sprint event at the 2022 Canada Summer Games in Niagara, Ont., on Monday. Krueger earned Team Manitoba’s first medal of the 2022 Canada Summer Games, winning silver in the women’s triathlon sprint event. Photo by Team Manitoba /Sport Manitoba
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Triathlete Anja Krueger from East St. Paul has earned Team Manitoba’s first medal of the 2022 Canada Summer Games in Niagara, Ont.
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Competing at the Welland International Flatwater Centre, the 19-year-old Krueger won silver in the women’s triathlon sprint event.
“I’m so proud to be the first medallist for Team Manitoba the 2022 Canada Summer Games, because I know how hard it is to work to get here,” said Krueger, a silver medallist at the 2016 Manitoba Summer Games and finalist in the 200m and 400m freestyle at the Canadian University Swimming Championships earlier this year.
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Krueger finished 16 seconds behind British Columbia’s Colette Reimer who struck gold in a time of 1:06:16. Alberta’s Sophia Howell captured the bronze medal in a time of 1:06:41.
“It was a bit of a rough swim for me today, there were a couple girls who took me by surprise” said Krueger. “I just tried to rest my legs and get into a pack on the bike, and then give it everything I had on the run.”
Winnipeg’s Addy Champagne was 16th followed by fellow Winnipegger Natalie Fournier in 19th.
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